community news
Kelly wrote for community newspapers amidst the COVID-19 pandemic and Black Lives Matter movement, covering stories that highlighted social inequality. Kelly had a strong focus on Perth’s housing and poverty crisis, working closely with advocates to magnify voices of families and individuals living on the streets.
Her rich portfolio details complex topics around gender-based violence, community activism, sex worker’s rights, and First Nations advocacy
Evictions fuelled by returning landlords.
LANDLORDS returning to WA from interstate are adding further pressure to Perth’s housing crisis, with competition driving rental prices up, and low-income renters out.
New legislation protects clients seeking abortion
The McGowan Government says it’s committed to ensuring women seeking an abortion can have safe and private access to health services without fear of harassment or intimidation.
Expecting mums traumatised by lockdown rules.
WA’s lockdown rules privilege crowds for footy games, but force women into traumatising birthing circumstances, say advocates.
Homeless women beg for protection
Women living in ‘Tent City’ on Northbridge’s fringe have called for urgent shelter to protect them from escalating rates of sexual assault and violence.
Bleeding for equality
Young girls are being forced to wear tampons for two days, or steal socks from laundromats, because of WA’s chronic rate of period poverty.
Support your local sex workers
Sex workers have been left facing homelessness and hunger due to the impact of Covid-19, sparking calls for the government to provide more assistance.
Perth women’s shelters full, as domestic violence escalates
Frontline workers in women’s refuges are calling for public support as they brace for an expected spike in demand driven by the Coronavirus lockdown.